----------continuation of international and national situation
The chieftains of world imperialists – capitalists through I.M.F. World bank and similar other powerful financial agencies at their command playing variously their role in the process, systematically got the GATT agreement accomplished on the basis of Dunkel proposals and built up the World Trade Organization (WTO) and gave shape to at least the first phase of their scheme of globalization of capital.
The globalization of capital has already cast its far – reaching effects on the laws working in and some features of the present – day world situation. Those who take the words globalization of capital to mean that this negates or even minimizes by an iota the major contradiction between imperialist – capitalists versus imperialist – capitalists are only living on fool’s paradise. Similarly, those others who think that by using the prefix ‘ so – called’ before the world ‘globalization’ as some people very often do, they will be able to just wish away the impact of globalization on the realities of world situation, are also exhibiting by the same, height of their inability to comprehend any new objective situation.
With regard to the present – day globalization of capital, both these approaches are without any basis and born of hard – lined preconceptions only. Instead of negating or even minimizing the contradiction between imperialist – capital and imperialist – capital the present – day globalization, by dismantling the structures of protective tariffs and other systems protecting different national economies and by allowing thus a scope to all imperialist finance capitals to move relatively more freely to markets or countries of their choice, had objectively acted to further intensify the said contradiction and resultant conflicts.
Though this scheme of globalization was born out of the urge to remove all obstructions from the way of free movements of big imperialist finance capital it will be grossly erroneous to call it internationalization of finance capital as some political cleavers are doing. For, that will tantamount to putting all blames on finance capital to safe bail out capitalism as a whole from the responsibilities of the ills of globalization.
The cause of imperialist war lies precisely today in the contradiction between imperialist – capitalists versus imperialist – capitalists, in their bid to have more and more market. Lenin’s analysis of present – day war that ‘imperialism generates war’ holds good today in spite of all developments that have taken place during the last more than seven decades after Lenin. And as long as imperialism will exist this law of imperialism inevitably generating war will remain operative. But, the law of inevitability of war being valid and operative and the war being fatalistically inevitable are two different things. Globalization however, has not affected the operation of either of these.
Therefore, to have a really war – free world and to have stable peace for good, imperialism must have to be done away with. The proletariat of all countries by successfully carrying the anti capitalist socialist revolution through to the end in their respective countries, by overthrowing from state – power the national bourgeoisie who are playing the role of agents and main pillars and collaborators of imperialist exploitation, intrigues and all anti – people vices will ultimately tear into pieces the imperialist – capitalist world system and smash it.
One effect of globalization, however, is already well manifested in the fact that today imperialist war can no more be a war to capture any country or territory with the object o making the same a colony of the imperialist victor.
Thus the definition of ‘imperialist war’ as was made by Lenin in explaining the imperialist character of the 1st world war (1914-18) that it ‘is a war to re – divide the already divided world’ does no more adequately express the exact character of the present – day imperialist war, Today’s imperialist wars are fought to annex territory but to expand grip or defend domination over market of this or that country or sphere.
Another clearly understandable effect of globalization is that it has made economy of all countries just a part of one single world capitalist market economy. Along with this, it has made productions at any nook and corner of any country items involved in competition subjected to market – laws of the world capitalist economy and thus confirmed further the fact that all countries to – day are on the verge of anti – capitalist socialist revolution.
A good number of so – called communists are today busy to convince people of the ferocity of the so – called neo – colonialist attack of imperialists and more so of the U.S. imperialists against different less – developed weak nations. One must understand that the meaning and connotation of the word “neo – colonial” as they were earlier during the days when there existed side by side several countries under colonial rule in its full form are not and cannot be the same today when there exists not a single country under colonial rule in its full form. Today the whole question is related to only the contradiction and collaboration of big and small, powerful and less powerful, highly developed and developing imperialist – capitalists in their joint activities wilfully to plunder the world.
In their attempt to hide the imperialist expansionist and exploitative nature and character of the national bourgeoisie of their own countries, these so – called communists including those who assert to be ‘genuine’ among them do always try to place their national bourgeois as ‘innocent victim’ and use such words as ‘the circumscribed governments of the developing countries’, or, ‘native governments having no other alternative available’ etc. ( from : on the latest designs of imperialism – SUCI)
This is nothing new in this line of these so – called communists as well as the ‘genuine’ communists. Social democrats as the second line of defenders of bourgeois class interests have always practised this line of making common cause with the national bourgeoisie of their respective country raising the catchy and emotional plea of patriotism and have always found their own bourgeoisie as innocent victim of aggression by outer forces of circumstances.
A wide section of these so – called communists, raising the slogan of resisting the said so – called neo – colonialist attack by the imperialists are busy trying to make out a common cause of the proletariat with their own country’s national bourgeoisie on the basis of a so – called patriotism to defend and safeguard their assumed national interests.
The twelfth world conference of WFTU held at Moscow overwhelmingly dominated by the then so – called communists, in its base paper actually gave a call to the working class of all developing countries of Asia, Africa, Oceania and Latin America to come forward to initiate joint action (?) with their respective country’s national bourgeoisie against the affluent countries of the world, meaning thereby the imperialist countries, for an equitable distribution of their accumulated wealth and this was given the term new world order.
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